Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I finally got to see my first moose.
He was just standing by the road eating a cedar tree.
Everyone is in such better spirits now that the snow is gone.
Hope all is well where you are.


Nannette said...

Wow! I think of our early morning moose search and all we found was warm poop! I hope Nicole got to see this too. Lucky you - where was this? Near home? thank you for praying for Dr. Fox. Love ya - Nannette

Jane said...

Can't beleive that the big things are as elusive as they are!! Good job on spotting him.... I have yet to see one and can only guess that it may take awhile.. Sorry I have been AWOL !! I'm hoping that you're enjoying this weather, seeing the bits of green and enjoying the birdsong... Hard to think of quilting just now when we are so deprived of the outdoors... Take care!